Deploy Your React App to GitHub Pages in Minutes – The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Deploy Your React App to GitHub Pages
Deploy Your React App to GitHub Pages
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Deploy Your React App to GitHub
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  • Step 1: Install gh-pages, a package that helps deploy to GitHub Pages.
  • Step 2: Creates a new GitHub repository where your project will be hosted.
  • Step 3: Configures homepage in package.json with your GitHub Pages URL and add deployment scripts (predeploy and deploy).
  • Step 4: If using Vite, configure base in vite.config.js to specify the base URL for the project.
  • Step 5: Initialize Git, add all files, commit them, set the remote origin, and push your project to GitHub.
  • Step 6: Run the deploy script to build your React project and deploy it to GitHub Pages
 step 1:install gh-pages 

npm install gh-pages --save-dev

Step 2: Create a GitHub Repository

Step 3: open Package.join file
Paste this line:-
"homepage": ""

After Script object:
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build", // vite app then add dist // npm start use build

After:- npm run build

for vite react react app
step 4; open vite.config file
Past this add repo name line:-

step 5: push to GitHub
open terminal
1. git init
2. git add .
3. git commit -m "deploy react app"

step 6: open created GitHub repository

git branch -M main

git remote add origin

step 7: Publish Project

npm run deploy
Step 1: Install gh-pages

First, install gh-pages as a development dependency in your project:

npm install gh-pages --save-dev
Step 2: Create a GitHub Repository

Create a new repository on GitHub where you want to host your React project.

Step 3: Modify package.json

Open your package.json file and add the following lines:

"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
Step 4: Configure vite.config (if using Vite)

If you are using Vite for your React project, open vite.config.js and add:

javascriptCopy codeexport default {
  base: '/Nagesh-Portfolio/'
Step 5: Push to GitHub

Push your project to GitHub:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Step 6: Deploy Your Project

To deploy your React app to GitHub Pages, run:

npm run deploy
Optional: Force Pushing Changes

If you encounter conflicts or need to force push changes:

  1. Pull remote changes to your local branch:bashCopy codegit pull origin main
  2. Then push your changes (be cautious with force push as it overwrites remote changes):bashCopy codegit push -f origin main
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